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Who run the world? GIRLS.

Spent the morning with my girl Anja and 2,000 other young girls from all over Wisconsin, for the Girls on the Run 5k. For those who aren’t familiar with the organization — Girls on the Run International is an nonprofit that’s dedicated to "creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams." Girls train twice a week for 10 weeks, then finish the season out with a 5k run to celebrate and honor all the hard work they’ve put in. Girls on the Run is on a mission to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using running as a vehicle — as a means — to talk about important issues like confidence, health, goals, and teamwork. It’s pretty friggen impressive that all these girls ran a 5k today, when their max stride is like… a foot long — but furthermore, that they did it today in 20 degree weather!! It was cold, but nobody complained. AND THE FANS!! I was totally floored by the number of supporters out on the course, standing in the freezing cold. Moms, dads, sisters, brothers, teachers, aunts, and neighbors — all out waiving signs, ringin bells, and yelling encouragement all throughout the 3 mile course. These girls felt loved, cheered, for and wholeheartedly supported the ENTIRE morning, and it was amazing to see the big impact this kind of support had on their morale, their confidence, and their overall excitement as they took on this big challenge today. THIS IS COMMUNITY. And THIS is what it looks like to show up for girls. Proud to support such a cool organization doing really important work in lives of girls everywhere. GIRLS + FUN + IMPACT + FREE SNACKS?!?!? Doesn’t get much better than that…

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