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The "wrong" way to do yoga

Today, I did some yoga. It’s part of a commitment I’ve made to myself to be more intentional about recovery and mobility as I train for my marathon.


I used the @niketraining app on my phone to cast a workout, laid a yoga mat on some empty floor space in my room, and got movin.


My boyfriend’s mom, Julie, did some yoga today too. She’s been going to the same yoga class every Monday for years, and she’s finally able to go again, now that things are opening up a little bit here in Australia. It’s a small practice, with a dedicated teacher, and a handful of students like her.


Two very different ways of going about our practice today, but both of us came back from our workouts a little calmer, a little more present, and feeling rejuvenated — both body and mind. The room Julie practiced in had candles and smelled like eucalyptus. The room I practiced in had a desk, and smelled like the kimchi fried rice I had for lunch.


Is there a “right” way to do yoga? I say no.


Did you show up? Did you move your body? Do you feel good? GOOD. Then, forget about the rest. Everyone has different schedules, different preferences — and you should honor those. Who the hell cares what other people are doing, do what works for YOU.


I, personally, like being able to slot in a 20 minute session in my own room in between conference calls. I’m less likely to go if I have to drive 20 minutes to get there, not to mention, I am slightly self-conscious about how inflexible I am, so I make up 100 excuses why I ”just can’t make it to class today.”


Julie likes to feel like there’s separation between her home, where she relaxes, and where she goes to sweat. She’s more likely to go if it’s a scheduled appt. that she can plan in advance for, and she really enjoys the community feel of an in-person class.


We both practiced yoga today, and we both got good stuff out of it. Do what works for you, and caters to your preferences and all the stuff you’re juggling in this season of your life. There’s no wrong way to do yoga, or work out for that matter. So don’t let someone exercise-shame you, telling you you’re doing it wrong. YOU CAN’T DO IT WRONG. Because there’s no “right” way to do it.


Carry on. XO

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