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“Both, and”

I miss going out to eat. I miss burgers and beers and catching up with family and friends.

It’s okay to say that -- that we miss certain things about the way life was 8+ months ago. This pandemic has brought about a new level of awareness for things we kind of took for granted. And it’s also okay to feel sad and frustrated about our current situation. Dismissing our emotions, especially intense ones, doesn’t help and unfortunately doesn’t do much to change our current reality either.

But the world is still turning, and life is still happening. NOW. So let’s acknowledge and feel the pain and frustration we’re experiencing, and ALSO, at the same time, be relentlessly determined to make the best of what we have now. I don’t think it has to be an “either, or” I think it can be a “both, and.”

This is one of the things I’m doing in lockdown that’s an attempt to soothe the frustration of things I really miss, and to make memories and fun in the here and now. I’m cooking some of my favorite dishes from some of my favorite restaurants. Sometimes it’s awesome, and sometimes it’s a disaster. But either way, it’s a lot of fun.

Back home in Minneapolis, there’s a restaurant called Parlour that makes a killer double patty burger with white American cheese on an egg bun. It’s one of the best burgers in the US, and probably the world. So because we miss family, and we miss going out for burgers and beer — we set out to recreate a version of Parlour burgers at home. (Currently in Australia).

Was it the same? Nah. There’s something magical about eating great food in a restaurant, cold beer in hand, catching up w/ people you love. But you know what? This was really great too. The burgers turned out amazing, and you know what? I ALSO had an cold beer in hand and shared the table with people I love.

Lockdown sucks. It’s okay to be sad and upset about our current reality, but life is still happening right now. Let’s challenge ourselves to embrace the turmoil of the emotions we feel, and also, insist (even if it feels artificial in the moment) on embracing what is and making the best of what we have now too.

Sending love & a big greasy burger kiss...XO

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